关于我们 about ——服务医药器械行业 造福人类健康事业

  Kaier Polymer Material Co., Ltd. is located at 9, Gaoyou Economic Development Zone,Jiangsu Province Which enjoys a convienent traffic by water,air and highway. Welcome!
  江苏凯尔高分子材料有限公司生产“医用聚氯乙烯塑料颗粒”,产品质量符合GB/T15593-2020(ISO3826-1993)、YY/T1628-2019等标准要求;DEHP Free产品质量同时符合EN14372:2004标准要求;射线灭菌产品符合ISO11137标准要求。
  Kaier Polymer Material Co., Ltd. Manufactures Medical PVC Plastic Compounds,which comfom to GB/T15593-2020(ISO3826-1993) and YY/T1628-2019, the DEHP Free Compounds conform to EN14372:2004, and the radiation sterilization products conform to ISO11137 as well.
  Kaier Polymer Material Co., Ltd. Manufactures Medical PVC Plastic Tubes, which conform to GB10010-2019.
  Kaier Polymer Material Co., Ltd. Manufactures Class I and II Medical Plastic Devices, which also conform to the relevant standards.